Trainosys The leader in training Fri, 22 Apr 2022 02:38:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Trainosys 32 32 5 Reasons Why You Need To Explore Web Technology Training Courses Fri, 22 Apr 2022 02:38:51 +0000 Have you been thinking about learning a new language lately? Here’s an idea: set yourself apart and learn coding languages or markup languages as you deep-dive on web technology! Web technology refers to the numerous tools and strategies used in the process of communicating via different digital devices over the internet. You can gain a basic understanding of HTML and other markup languages, or leave the course with a mastery on formatting web content, interactive graphics and multimedia content on the web.

If you need a bit more nudge, consider these 5 reasons we have below on why web technology can’t go missing in your bucket list of certifications.

5 Reasons To Get A Web Technology Certification

1. An Easy Head Start To A Profitable Career

First of all, you’ll only need a well-functioning laptop and an internet connection to start this journey. Then, you’ll go from learning scripting languages like HTML and JavaScript, to building a simple and responsive website, to exploring various areas of front and back-end web development. The bottomline is you’ll acquire a skill set that more and more businesses are looking for in this digital age. 

2. Develop An Eye For Web Design

Building web technology projects is not all that dissimilar to creating art. Aside from learning how to code, you’ll get to improve your eye for design as you think about the layout, colors, fonts, and more visual assets. You can also improve your creativity by studying the designs of other people’s websites on the internet. 

3. A Problem-Solving, Impactful Skill

Your imagination is the limit when it comes to developing a web-based solution that will fill any gaps in the market. As we all turn to the internet for most of our problems nowadays, a comprehensive skill set in web technology can actually give you the power to create much-needed solutions and make a positive contribution to the world. 

4. Work Flexibility

One of the most overlooked advantages of web technology careers is the work flexibility that comes with them. You can work as a freelancer or a part-timer as you can easily pick up project-based jobs that pay just as well (or even better) than a full-time job. And since you can use a laptop to do your job, you can work at home or anywhere with a good internet connection!

5. Self-Learning

The more we progress into the digital world, the more resources start to feel just within our reach. One quick search on the internet by yourself and you’ll be provided with a plethora of options on web technology training courses and certifications. Plus, you can learn at your own pace! 

All you’ll need to do is to take the time in finding the right courses for your career goals. But even that is now made easier, thanks to Trainocate! With the best class certified instructors, Trainocate narrows down your choices to highly demanded industry-level course content designed by full-time vendor certified engineers. Send us an email via our contact form to learn more about our certifications and training courses!

Where Does the Philippines Currently Sit in the Digital Revolution? Tue, 26 Oct 2021 09:13:21 +0000 The COVID-19 pandemic has caused massive disruptions in various industries in the Philippines. Notably, it has highlighted the value of technology and paved the way for organizations to jumpstart or hasten their digital transformation journey. It has also accelerated the digital revolution, emphasizing the need for innovations like fintech payments, WFH arrangements, and remote or distance learning.

However, many would agree that the digital infrastructure in the country is still in its juvenile stage. Compared to more tech-savvy ASEAN countries like Singapore or Malaysia, the Philippines still lags behind as it grapples with issues that impede the development of digital revolution enablers.

A fine testament to this fact is the less than ideal online classes setup for Filipino students. Both students and teachers complain about several factors that affect the effectiveness of the classes, such as poor internet connectivity, lack of access to proper equipment, and fundamental tech skills gap. 

Notably, the unprecedented health disaster that shook the world has raised awareness of the most pressing concerns that the government must prioritize. The pandemic has also pushed Filipinos to break old habits like relying on manual processes and physical transactions. It has also begun to crush obsolete notions on the value of computer science, computer engineering, IT, and ICT, especially for the parents of budding talents who want to pursue a computer-related degree. 

On top of that, the crisis has opened doors of opportunities to driven and eagle-eyed startup founders who work hand in hand with government institutions like the Department of Information and Communication Technology (DICT), Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), and the Department of Science and Technology (DOST).

Indeed, the path to digital revolution for the country is a long and winding road. Like any other COVID-19 stricken country, the PH has to adapt and answer quickly to the challenges that come with the digital revolution. More importantly, both the government and its people need to work hand in hand to make things happen.

Trainosys have multiple technical solutions services  and cloud solutions to help your company:

  • Security Management
  • Enterprise Operations
  • Consultation Services
  • Cloud Migration
  • Data Analytics
  • IT Products and Services
  • Outsourcing
  • App Application
  • Operation and Maintenance

Please visit our website at or email us at

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Career Growth and Other Reasons to Study Machine Learning Mon, 17 May 2021 02:12:24 +0000 Machine learning applies to almost everything – from getting accurate traffic alerts to automatic tagging of your friends on social media. It has gained so much traction over the years, especially in the tech space, making machine learning engineers a highly in-demand profession.

If you aren’t learning about machine learning or artificial intelligence until today, you’re likely missing out on benefits such as career growth. Undoubtedly, machine learning opens up doors of opportunities in lucrative niches such as medicine, facial recognition, cybersecurity, and data analysis.

Building a career in machine learning also gives you the chance to earn big. On average, a machine learning engineer can earn up to $146,085. It’s slightly higher compared to other tech roles, such as a full-stack developer.   

Besides the opportunity to grow and develop your career and earn a hefty amount of money, training in machine learning can also offer other perks such as:

  • Working in a challenging and fast-paced environment
  • Understanding the intricacies of data science and artificial intelligence
  • Learning how to personalize approach for various campaigns in marketing, product development, financing, etc.
  • Finding endless opportunities for employment as the world fully embraces technology
  • Having more chances to improve the efficiency of systems in your company or organization

Learn Machine Learning From Trainosys

Are you ready to know more about machine learning and use it to propel your career to new heights? Our courses are perfect for you!

As long as you’re a self-starter and an avid fan of data science, you will find it enjoyable to take a machine learning course. Here at Trainosys, we offer various programs that tackle AI and machine learning. A few examples include Machine Learning Fundamentals and Machine Learning with Python Training.

Check out our courses on machine learning today! You can also send your concerns or inquiries via email at

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4 Reasons Upskilling in Data Analytics is Important Wed, 14 Apr 2021 07:10:21 +0000 We are in an era where digital transformation has become essential to companies. The pandemic has significantly sped up the process, pushing everyone to catch up quickly. However, it’s no secret that thousands are still grappling to deal with the amount of data coming in.  In fact, around 34 percent of CEOs believe that their company has a major data analytics talent gap and that the problem threatens their organization’s stability.

Besides the need to keep up with the digitization journey, knowing how to analyze large chunks of data is also crucial for various company functions. Be it marketing, finance, human resource, supply chain, logistics, or other departments, data analytics plays a pivotal role in finding the best solutions to use. It reduces risk and eliminates guesswork.

If you’re still wondering whether to upskill in data analytics, our list of main benefits below may come in helpful in solidifying your decision.

#1. Better decisions made for your organization

The recent events have definitely shaken up a lot of industries. It has also caused economic turmoil that experts believe will continue to affect the world even after the pandemic settles. With that, it becomes even more criticial for organizations or companies to make better choices. Whether you need help in sourcing the right people, making sound financial decisions, partnering with new investors, other processes, analyzing trends the right way can make a huge difference. 

#2. More chances of growing into a more prominent role

If you’re looking to climb up the corporate ladder, mastering the art and science of data analytics could provide with the competitive edge you need. It’s a highly valued skill that could help you position yourself as an asset of the company.

#3. Get to work in a fast-paced industry filled with challenges

Many professionals consider what they get beyond their monthly compensation from a company. One of these benefits includes learning new skills. When you work in a challenging field such as data analytics, you will never run out of things to worry about. It’s also continuously evolving as data science becomes more and more sophisticated.

#4. Choose from an extensive selection of industries to work for

As we’ve mentioned earlier, data analytics isn’t just confined to the tech space. Instead, various industries like finance, healthcare, marketing, sales, supply chain management, and logistics fully optimize it for their operations. So, if you choose to train in data analytics, you will have endless opportunities to tap into, depending on your proficiency, interests, and career goals.

Interested to learn big data or data analytics? Check out our full range of data analytics courses here at Trainosys. You can also contact us today at for more information about course offers.

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Learning Python Programming Wed, 20 Jan 2021 14:24:39 +0000 Python is one of the most used programming languages by developers, data scientists, software engineers because of its versatility, flexibility, and object-oriented features. Although it’s a high-level language and can do complex tasks, Python is easy to learn due to its  clean syntax. Many of the web and mobile applications we enjoy today is because of Python’s abundant libraries, various frameworks, vast collections of modules, and file extensions. Not only that, Python is great for building micro-project to macro enterprise web services as well as on supporting other types of programming languages.

Interested in Python Courses? Check out our full range of Python courses here at Trainosys. You can also contact us today at for more information about course offers.

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The Rise in Popularity of Python in Today’s Society Tue, 01 Sep 2020 07:17:28 +0000 Ever had an interest in programming? Maybe you’re an aspiring student who wants to know the basics of the huge task you’re about to tackle? Well before you do maybe you should learn a thing or two about one of the world’s leading programming languages, Python.

Python is a programming language that has been around since 1991. It may seem young but that’s probably because more often than not you’ve either been introduced to other programming languages such as C++, Javascript, etc. So why is Python one of the leading programming languages? Well for starters, It’s easy to learn and is readily accessible. Python is one of the best ways to start learning how to code. It’s as simple as reading and writing English. From basic scripts for children to advanced scripts used in Google and AI. Python is also a heavily versatile programming language. It’s essential for web development and makes getting something up and running, easier compared to other contenders such as Java, Node.js, or .NET. It is a reliable and efficient programming language that allows you to work in almost any environment with little to no performance loss as well.

Python in and of itself is just another programming language but what also sets it apart is the healthy and supportive community that helps people either newbies or experts, you can always depend on someone to support you. In the end, it’s not just the programming language that made Python one of the leading programming languages, it’s also the people who use it and help others by using it. Now, will you be one of those people? Give Python a shot and enjoy your online learning journey.

Interested in Python Courses? Check out our full range of Python courses here at Trainosys. You can also contact us today at for more information about course offers.

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The Mutualistic Relationship of Docker and Kubernetes Tue, 01 Sep 2020 07:13:05 +0000 The common question when it comes to comparing two things is whether or not to use one or the other. Docker and Kubernetes have always had that question. That question in and of itself doesn’t make sense because comparing those two essentially means nothing as they are two entirely different pieces of technology that shouldn’t be seen as a competition, but rather a mutualistic relationship.

To start, let’s talk about docker. What is Docker? Docker is essentially a boat or a cargo ship that has jet engines and a built-in workshop. Docker is a tool used to easily create, deploy, and run applications that are using containers. Containers are basically your “all in one package” for applications. It includes everything you need to run the said application and be deployed as one package. It’s lightweight when compared to standard containers.

Now, what is Kubernetes? Imagine the difficulty in organizing your containerized apps across multiple machines or what we call nodes. Stressful isn’t it? Now your cluttered containers are easily managed by the use of Kubernetes. It helps in running said containers depending on the resources available, schedules when a program should or not run based on schedules, and the containers you used individually are now combined to what is called a cluster, the basic operational unit for Kubernetes.

There are differences, yes like how Docker is mainly used in singles nodes while Kubernetes is used across clusters, but the beauty in these two is the fact that they work the best when used together. When using Kubernetes and Docker, your apps can remain online even if some of the nodes it requires go offline, it can also make running app for a better experience, easier since Kubernetes helps allocate more resources specific clusters.

They may have their differences but using Docker and Kubernetes together will improve your efficiency and decrease the stress of micromanaging your containers. No more comparing the two, Just use them both together and do your training online.

Interested in Docker and Kubernetes Courses? Check out our full range of Docker and Kubernetes courses here at Trainosys. You can also contact us today at for more information about course offers.

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The Applications of Modern Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the New Normal Tue, 01 Sep 2020 06:50:37 +0000 From cars and cellphones to delivery services and streaming platforms. Artificial intelligence or AI has helped with the development of the many luxuries things that we use in a generation where technology is our best friend.

We all know that staying at home is very challenging nowadays. It’s been months since we all had to stay indoors and adapted to this kind of lifestyle. Either we go out and risk getting sick, or we rely on technology to support our daily needs. During these trying times, we are blessed to have facilities such as Amazon, fast food delivery services, and everyone’s internet entertainment, Netflix. Now, what do these three have in common? They are all are using ‘Artificial Intelligence’. Ever wondered why your friends get recommended action films while you only get cheeky Rom-Coms? Maybe you previously watched “Let it snow” and now you’re getting recommended by a bunch of other romance movies. Well thanks to Netflix’s highly accurate predictive technology. With every movie added every year, it just gets smarter. It reads and analyzes every movie you watched and recommends you what you might want to watch in your next binging session. This isn’t the only application of Artificial Intelligence. Ever wondered why your online shopping cart tends to go beyond three digits? Amazon will keep on suggesting you items that you don’t know you need but you know you want to buy. Who knows, when they year 2025 comes, items you didn’t know you wanted or needed might be at your doorstep because amazon figured it out before you could.

Of course, Artificial Technology isn’t supposed to turn you into a shut-in. Artificial technology can help you in the field of fitness. Yes, a technology that can help you stay fit, shocker. It can track your health behaviors and exercise patterns that could help you on your journey to becoming the next top model, well, or maybe just close to it. Some examples of these are Google fit and MyFitnesspal. Another application for Artificial Intelligence is for those people who go out to buy groceries with their Teslas and their BMWs. Some car models now have a self-driving feature integrated into their systems so you can sit back and relax while your car takes you to your local Supermarket, just makes sure not to give it a hard time.

These examples have truly helped us during this period in time, and we can only dream of what Artificial Intelligence could do for us in the future. Who knows, maybe next time your online friend is already made of an AI technology.

Interested in Artificial Intellegence Courses? Check out our full range of A.i. courses here at Trainosys. You can also contact us today at for more information about course offers.

Transform Oneself Sun, 30 Aug 2020 06:35:59 +0000 If someone could do one thing to transform life, it is recommended to find something that the person is really passionate about and do it for a living,

I know, it’s easier said than done but I tell you the effort will be WORTH IT.

On a daily basis if a person is already dragging him or herself at work and constantly lacks motivation, and also finds the job boring and repetitive, that person needs to find a new passion in life.

Something that is inspiring and can make him/her get up in the morning

If you stay in your current job that continue to make you unhappy then you are not realizing your full potential in life.

Start to change your way of thinking by asking yourself what do you love doing? Find out what you spend hours reading about.  If you usually spend your days on the Internet you might as well find things to read to cultivate oneself.  Educating yourself online is not a bad thing.  

Start to do your research, learn more from training websites and from other online training materials.

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Improving Your Skills Sat, 11 Jul 2020 18:00:59 +0000 In majority of the professions, upgrading your skills is highly valuable and is seen as an important factor to climb up the ladder of success. It will also help you improve yourself and increase self-confidence. It is imperative to know what skills do you need to improve one’s self. Gaps in your skills will help you to determine your next course of action. Professional development training can be specific to your industry or maybe related to your interests. This will help you have a better understanding of your training needs. One’s skills should be upgraded from time to time. An employee should not be stuck doing the same work for a long period of time. They should be offered learning and training to be able to feel motivated. Choose the right training that suits you whether it’s technical or online training. Don’t wait as now is the right time to improve your skills and decide for yourself. Visit our courses now.

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