Python Fundamentals

Course Overview:

Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language used in various fields such as data science, web development, automation, and general software engineering. This Python 3 Fundamentals course is a great introduction to both basic programming concepts and the essentials of the Python (latest 3.8.2) programming language syntax.

Course Objectives:

  • Learn what Python is as a programming language and when to choose it versus other programming languages
  • Learn how to interpret and write Python syntax
  • Understand the basic data types of the language including their usages in various modules that are part of the standar library
  • Get hands-on experience with solving programming challenges and questions using Python
  • To learn how Python modules work and be able to install and use third-party modules from the public index


  • None

Good to Have:

  • Basic understanding of command line interface tools
  • Intermediate knowledge of Object Oriented Programming
  • Experience with other high level languages like Java or JavaScript

Target Audience:

  • Perfect for non-techie individuals who wish to explore the world of programming
  • Professionals coming from other programming languages and wish to pick up Python 3+
  • Programmers who are coming from Python 2 and wish to learn the new syntax Python 3 covers

Course Duration:

  • 3 Days

Course Content:

  • Getting Started
  • Installation
    • Python
    • Choice of IDE
    • Required modules
  • Project Environment Setup
    • Creating a workspace folder
    • Testing if installation is correct
  • First Steps Towards Programming
  • Syntax
    • Expressions
    • Statements
    • Variables
  • Symbols Definition
  • Terminologies
  • Data Types
  • Primitives
    • Numbers
    • Strings
    • Booleans
      • Equivalence
  • Data Structures
    • Lists
    • Tuple
    • Dictionary
    • Set
  • Operators
    • Arithmetic Operators
    • Compound Operators
    • Comparison Operators
    • Membership Operators
    • Logical Operators
    • Identity Operators
  • Control Structures
    • Conditional
    • Loops
      • For loop
      • While loop
      • Loop with Else
    • The range() function
    • Break, Continue & Pass
  • Functions
    • Calling functions
    • Defining functions
    • Returning values
    • Accepting arguments
      • Default arguments
      • Keyword arguments
      • Arbitrary arguments list
    • Anonymous Functions
      • Map, Filter
  • Modules & Packages
    • Introduction to The Standard Library
      • Mathematics
      • Dates and Times
      • Random
      • Operating System Interface
    • Modules
    • Packages
    • Installing Third-Party Packages
    • Anaconda
  • Comprehension
    • General comprehension syntax
    • Types of comprehension
  • Generators
    • Generators vs Lists
    • General generator syntax
    • Functional generators
  • Object Oriented Programming
    • Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
    • Classes and Objects
      • Properties and Methods
      • Initialiser & Destructor
    • Inheritance and Method Overwriting
  • Error Handling
    • When to use Exceptions
    • Handling Exceptions
    • Custom error handling routines
  • File and Directory Handling
    • Reading & Writing Text Files
    • Managing files and folders from Python
  • Databases
    • Introduction to databases
    • CRUD operations on SQLite3
    • Integrating with external databases
  • Virtual Environments
    • Creating virtual environments
  • Custom Content (depending on attendee’s requirements)
    • Exploration of relevant packages
    • Mini project


Course Customization Options

To request a customized training for this course, please contact us to arrange.

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