Building RIA using Angular with Typescript

Course Overview:

This workshop aims at equipping the participants with the necessary knowledge and skills required to build rich internet applications using cutting edge RIA framework from google “Angular”.

Course Objectives:

  • Be able build RIA using Angular
  • Be able to write front end applications using typescript
  • Exploit two-way binding offered by Angular
  • Use dependency injection for better maintainability
  • Understand and use various directives offered by Angular
  • Create custom components
  • Use gulp for commonly performed tasks in JavaScript application development


  • Should be familiar with any one web development technologies
  • Should have intermediate level exposure in JavaScript

Target Audience:

  • Web Developer who wants to build best-of-breed web applications with the simplicity and elegance of JavaScript.

Course Duration:

  • 35 hours – 5 days

Course Content:


  • Building Blocks
    • Modules
    • Interfaces
    • Class
    • Functions
    • Enum
  • Types
    • Static, Dynamic & Optional Types
    • Inferred Types
    • Builtin Types
    • Custom Types
    • Type Declaration
    • Type Inference
  • Abstractions
    • Defining Interfaces
    • Creating Interface Methods
  • Class
    • Private and Public Scope
    • Defining Members
    • Static Functions
    • Default and Optional Parameters
    • Overloading functions
    • Constructors
    • Implementing Interfaces
    • Inheritance and Polymorphism


  • Introduction to Angular
    • How Angular is opinionated
    • Difference between Angular 1.0 Angular 2.0 and above (Optional)
  • Angular Building Blocks
    • Module
    • Component
    • Template
    • Metadata
    • Data Binding
    • Service
    • Directive
    • Dependency Injection
  • Anatomy of an Angular Applications
    • Assembling applications using Modules
    • Identifying UI layers for Components
    • Metadata for Components
  • Testing
    • Jasmine Overview
    • Writing Tests in Typescript
    • Configure Karma to execute Tests
  • Components & Templates
    • Interpolation
    • Expressions and Statements
    • Bindings
    • Value Binding
    • Property Binding
    • Event Binding
    • Two way Binding
    • Component Life Cycle
    • Testing Components
  • Directives
    • Attribute Directives
    • Structural Directives
    • Using the Template Tag
    • Using the “*” in directives
    • Creating Components
    • Extending Directives
    • Creating Custom Directives
    • Updating DOM Nodes
    • Handling DOM Events


  • Pipes
    • Role of pipes in Angular 2 applications
    • Using builtin pipes
    • Chaining Pipes
    • Creating Custom Pipes
    • Testing Direvtives
  • Dependency Injection
    • Configuring the Injector
    • Importing & Exporting Components
    • Importing & Exporting Services
    • Registering Providers
    • Class Providers and Value Providers
    • Factory Providers
  • Forms
    • Building forms using components and Templates
    • Two way binding
    • Change Tracking using ngControl
    • Validation
    • Error Handling
    • Testing Angular Forms
  • Routing and Navigation
    • Including the Router
    • Configuring the routes
    • Router Outlets and Links
    • Nested Routes
    • Accessing Route Params
    • Lazy loading of Modules and Components
  • Communicating with Servers
    • Using the http provider
    • Async Programming Using Promises
    • Resolving and Rejecting Promises
    • Configuring the requests
    • Sending Http Headers
    • Caching Responses
    • Request and Response Transformation
    • Using RESTful Resources
    • Using RxJS Objservables
  • RxJs
    • Streams as data source
    • Difference between Iterators and Observables
    • Using RxJs for observable manipulation
    • Sequences
    • Using sequence operators such as map(), filter(), concatAll(), reduce(), zip()
    • Handling Errors
  • Authentication & Authorization
    • Authentication Using JWT
    • Using Route Guards
      • CanActivate
      • CanActivateChild
      • CanDeactivate
      • CanLoad
  • JWT Http Interceptors
  • Authorization Workflow
  • Role-based Authorization
  • State Management (ngRx)
    • State Management Strategies
    • Redux as a state management solution
    • Store Vs Services
    • Application Store
    • Reducers
    • Actions
    • Dispatching Actions
    • Action Creators
    • Using ngRx
    • Handling Errors
  • Realtime Updates using WebSockets
    • Need for bidirectional realtime communication
    • WebSockets overview
    • Using WebSockets in Angular
    • Subscribing and Publishing websocket events using RxJs
  • Build Automation
    • Using Webpack
    • Module Bundling using Webpack
    • Using Ahead Of Time compilation (AOT)
    • Summary and Closing Remarks


Course Customization Options

To request a customized training for this course, please contact us to arrange.

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