IOT for Beginners

Course Overview:

IOT brings together knowledge previously available only in white papers, standards documents, and other hard-to-find sources—or nowhere at all. The authors begin with a high-level overview of IoT and introduce key concepts needed to successfully design IoT solutions.

Course Objectives:

  • Introduction to IoT and its relation to cloud computing.
  • IoT Fundamentals and open source cloud platform to store data.
  • Using Arduino, Node MCU for developing prototypes.
  • Connect your device to the cloud
  • Sensors and Actuators
  • MQTT protocol
  • Hosting your own server on AWS
  • Hands-on exercises on the various use cases


  • Participants should preferably have prior experience with C Language and be able to understand the logic. There would be physical hardware involved so basic physics concepts are also expected. A basic understanding of cloud platforms will be a plus.

Target Audience:

  • Technology Enthusiastic
  • Home Automation seeker
  • Software Engineers

Course Duration:

  • 21 hours – 3 days

Course Content:

Day 1: Introduction & Getting Started with Arduino

  • Introduction to the Internet of Things.
  • The Internet of Things.
  • The Basics of Sensors & Actuators.
  • Introduction to Cloud Computing.
  • The Arduino Platform.
  • The Arduino Open-Microcontroller Platform.
  • Arduino Basics. Arduino Board Layout & Architecture.
  • Hands-on Arduino.
  • Interfacing and configuration of LED, Buzzer and switches.
  • Working with digital pins.
  • Working with analog pins.
  • Configuring ADC, potentiometers, serial communication, I2C interface for display.

Day 2: Introduction to ESP8266 and Node MCU

  • ESP8266 and Node MCU.
  • Node MCU Configuration.
  • Using Arduino IDE for coding NodeMCU.
  • Node MCU, Sensor, Actuator and Communication module interfacing HTML basics, HTTP protocol concepts.
  • Hands-on Node MCU.
  • Sensors and actuators interfacing.
  • Moisture, Light, Flame, Temperature & Humidity, IR, PIR, Gas, Piezo Vibration, and Sound sensors, 3 axis accelerometers Actuators, GPS/GSM interfacing with Node MCU.
  • Configuring Node MCU as local webserver.
  • Web server using Node MCU.
  • Server / Client model configuration.

Day 3: Establish Cloud connections using MQTT protocol.

  • Introduction to MQTT & Communication protocol for IoT.
  • Understanding MQTT.
  • Difference between HTTP & MQTT.
  • Understanding MQTT Broker.
  • Understating Publish & Subscribe Methods.
  • Hands-on MQTT and NodeMCU.
  • Analyzing sensor data and controlling actuators using HTTP protocol remotely.
  • Connect NodeMCU to the cloud.
  • Data stream through Firebase and NodeMCU.


Course Customization Options

To request a customized training for this course, please contact us to arrange.


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