Java 8 With Maven

Course Overview:

Intensive and hands-on, the course emphasizes becoming productive quickly as a Java application developer. This course quickly covers the Java language syntax and then moves into the object-oriented features of the language. As a participant you will be able to create basic applications using the Java 8 programming language.

The participants will also be able to describe object-oriented concepts, object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts, and Java platforms and technologies. This course will use Eclipse as an IDE.

Course Objectives:

Participants will learn how to:

  • Write, compile and execute Java programs
  • Build robust applications using Java’s object-oriented features
  • Create robust applications using Java class libraries


  • The course assumes knowledge of programming.

Target Audience:

This course is meant for programmers who wish to move to object-oriented programming using Java. This course is designed for participants who are looking for an entry into an application development or a software project management career using Java technologies.

Course Duration:

  • 35 hours – 5 days

Course Content:

Day 1

  1. Programming Concepts
  • What is Programming
  • Components of a Programming Language
  • Programming Paradigms
  • What is Java
  • The Object-Oriented Paradigm and Java
  1. Writing Java Programs
  • What is a Java Program
  • Writing the Source Code
  • Compiling the Source Code
  • Running the Compiled Code
  • Installing and configuring Eclipse IDE
  • Downloading and Installing Maven
  • Testing Maven Installation
  1. Data Types
  • What is a Data Types
  • What is an Identifier
  • Data Types in Java
  • Primitive Data Types in Java
  • Special Floating-Point Numbers
  • Rounding Modes
  • Number Objects
  • String Objects
  • Format data for output
  1. Operators
  • What is an Operator
  • Assignment Operator
  • Arithmetic Operators
  • String Concatenation Operator
  • Relational Operators
  • Boolean Logical Operators
  1. Statements
  • What is a Statement and Type of Statements
  • A Block Statement
  • The if-else Statement
  • The switch Statement
  • Strings in Switch
  • The for Statement
  • The for-each Statement
  • The while Statement
  • The do-while Statement
  • The break Statement
  • The continue Statement
  • Diamond Syntax

Day 2

  1. Classes and Objects
  • What is a Class
  • Declaring Fields in a Class
  • Creating Instances of a Class
  • The null Reference Type
  • Using Dot Notation to Access Fields of a Class
  • Default Initialization of Fields
  • Access Level Modifiers for a Class
  • Import Declaration
  • Declaring Methods of a Class
  • Local Variables
  • Instance Method and Class Method
  • Invoking a Method
  • Access Level for Class Members
  1. The Object and Objects Classes
  • The Object Class
  • What is the Class of an Object
  • Computing Hash Code of an Object
  • Comparing Objects for Equality
  • String Representation of an Object
  • Cloning Object
  • Finalizing an Object
  • Immutable Objects
  1. Java Package
  • Package declaration
  • Sub-Packages in Java
  • Naming Convention
  • Importing Java Package
  • Access Modifier
  • Java Archive (JAR) Files
  1. Wrapper Classes
  • Wrapper Classes
  • Autoboxing and Unboxing
  • Beware of Null Values
  • Overloaded Methods
  • Comparison Operators
  • Collectionsc
  1. Exception Handling
  • What is an Exception
  • Using a try-catch Block
  • Exception Class Hierarchy
  • Arranging Multiple catch Blocks
  • Throwing an Exception
  • Creating an Exception Class
  • The finally Block
  • The try-with-resources Block
  • Multi-Catch Exceptions
  • Re-throwing Exceptions
  • Try with Resources
  • AutoCloseable Interface
  1. Assertions
  • What is an Assertions
  • Testing Assertions
  • Enabling / Disabling Assertions
  • Using Assertions

Day 3

  1. Strings
  • What is a String
  • String Literals
  • Creating String Objects
  • String Operators
  • Comparing Two Strings
  • StringBuilder and StringBuffer
  1. Dates and Times
  • The Date-Time API
  • Calendar Systems
  • Clocks and Period Packages
  • Period between Two Dates and Times
  • Partials
  • Formatting Dates and Times
  • Parsing Dates and Times
  1. Formatting Data
  • Wrapper Classes
  • Autoboxing and Unboxing
  • Beware of Null Values
  • Overloaded Methods
  • Comparison Operators
  1. Arrays
  • What is an Array
  • Arrays are Objects
  • Accessing Array Elements
  • Length of an Array
  • Multi-Dimensional Arrays
  • Enhanced for Loop for Arrays
  • Runtime Array Bounds Check
  1. Inheritance
  • What is Inheritance
  • The instanceof Operator
  • Binding
  • Method Overriding and Method Overloading
  • Method Hiding and Field Hiding
  • Disabling Inheritance
  1. Interfaces
  • What is an Interface
  • Implementing an Interface
  • Implementing Multiple Interfaces
  • Interface Inheritance
  • The instanceof Operator
  • Marker Interfaces
  • Functional Interfaces
  • Polymorphism – One Object, May Views
  • Dynamic Binding and Interfaces
  1. Core Collection Classes
  • The Collections Framework
  • The Set Interface
  • Set Implementation Classes
  • The List Interface
  • List Implementation Classes
  • The Map Interface
  • Map Implementation Classes

Day 4

  1. Pluggable Annotation Processing API
  • Common Annotations and Role Based Annotations
  • @Generated
  • @Resource
  • @Resources
  • @PostConstruct
  • @PreDestroy
  • @DeclareRoles
  • @RolesAllowed
  • @PermitAll
  • @DenyAll
  1. Java API for XML Based Web Services – 2.0
  • JAXB 2.0
  • Web Services Metadata
  • Streaming API for XML
  • XML Digital Signature
  • Java Class File Specification Update
  • Java Compiler API
  1. JDBC 4.0
  • Setting up MySQL Database
  • Auto loading of Driver by JVM
  • Standard Connection Factory Management
  • Enhanced Connection and Statement Interface
  • Inserting Data
  • New interface RowID to support the ROWID data type
  • Updating Data
  • Deleting Data
  • Use of Annotated SQL queries
  • Creating prepared statements
  • Calling stored procedure
  1. Lambda Expressions
  • Single method Interface
  • Anonymous Interface Implementation
  • Lambda Type Inference
  • Lambda Parameters
  • Lambda Function Body
  • Returning a Value
  • Lambdas as Objects
  • Variable Capture
  • Method References as Lambdas
  1. Java Stream API for Bulk Data Operations on Collections
  • Introduction
  • Stream Creation
  • Referencing a Stream
  • Stream Pipeline
  • Lazy Invocation
  • Order of Execution
  • Stream Reduction
  • Parallel Streams
  1. Java Date / Time API
  • Issues with existing Date / Time APIs
  • LocalDate, LocalTime and LocalDateTime
  • Using ZonedDateTime API
  • Using Period and Duration
  • Compatibility with Date and Calendar
  • Date and Time Formatting
  1. Concurrency API improvements
  • The Concurrency API
  • Semaphore and Other Synchronizers
  • Concurrent Collections
  • Atomic Operations
  • Executor and ExecutorService
  • Thread Pools
  • Parallel Processing
  1. Reflection
  • Uses for Meta-Data
  • The Reflection API
  • The Class<T> Class
  • The java.lang.reflect Package
  • Reading Type Information
  • Navigating Inheritance Trees
  • Dynamic Instantiation
  • Dynamic Invocation
  • Reflecting on Generics

Day 5


  1. Getting Started With Maven
  • Terminology and Basic Concepts
  • Artifacts
  • Lifecycle
  • Plugins
  • Running Maven
  • Running Maven from Eclipse
  • Common Goals
  1. Commonly Used Plugins
  • Maven Plugins
  • Declaring and Configuring Plugins
  • Running the Plugin
  • Binding a Plugin Goal to the Lifecycle
  • Maven Surefire Test Plugin
  • Failsafe Plugin
  • Site Plugin
  • JavaDoc Plugin
  • PMD Plugin
  1. Multi-Module Builds
  • Introduction
  • The Reactor
  • Reactor Sorting
  • Multi-Module Build by Example
  1. POM Projects
  • Project Object Model (POM)
  • The overall POM structure
  • Storing POM
  • What is Maven Plugin
  • Example of Using a Plugin
  • Create a Custom Plugin
  • Create a Custom Plugin (cont.)
  • Plugin Management
  1. Creating Archetypes
  • Introduction to Maven Archetypes
  • Introduction to Maven Archetypes (cont.)
  • Using Interactive Mode to generate Goal
  • Common Maven Archetypes
  1. Repository Management
  • Maven’s Approach to Artifacts
  • Publishing Artifacts
  • Summary of Maven’s Artifact Handling
  • Repository
  • Repository Manager
  • Proxy Remote Repositories
  • Types of Artifacts
  • Release Artifacts
  • Snapshot Artifacts
  • Reasons to Use a Repository Manager
  • Repository Coordinates
  • Addressing Resources in a Repository



Course Customization Options

To request a customized training for this course, please contact us to arrange.

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